the effects of using ict

The effects of using ICT

Negative aspects in using ICT :

1. Software copyright theft
* Software being copied and sold or given to others.
* Using the name of copyrighted software if you are not permitted to do this.
* Using software on a network of more users that you have paid
* Software being copied and then amended and passing it off as your own.

2. Computer viruses
A program that replicates itself automatically and can cause harm by copying files, deleting files or corrupting files.

Preventing a virus attack
1. Install anti-virus software.
2. Not open file attachment to emails unless you know who they are from.
3. Not allow anyone to attach portable drives or memory sticks to your computer unless 
    they are scanned for viruses first.
4. Not download games and the other software from a site on the Internet unless a trusted site.

3. Hacking and hackers
Hacking is the process of accessing a computer system without permission.
Hackers often access a computer system using the Internet.

Protecting against hackers :

1.Use a firewall (hardware or software) :
* To prevent hackers accessing a  computer or network using the Internet.
* To prevent undesirable content being accessed by users using the Internet.

2. Protecting access by using user-IDs and passwords
* Identifying the user to the system : user-IDs
* Preventing unauthorized access to the system: the use of passwords.
* Encryption
* Advice about passwords.

Effects of ICT on Employment
a. Fewer people needed to completed  the same amount of work
b. Increased number of people working  from home (called telecommuting or teleworking)
c. More automation in factories due to  the introduction of robots for welding,  paint spraying, 
    and packing goods.
d. Continual need for training as ICT  systems change.
e. More availability of part-time work as  many organizations need to be staffed  24/7.
f. More variation in the tasks  undertaken and staff need to be  flexible and well trained 
   to cope with  this.
g. Fewer “real” meetings as “virtual”  meetings using videoconferencing  are used to 
    reduce travel time and travel costs.
h. Increase in the number of technical  staff needed such as network  managers.

Areas of works where there is increased unemployment
1.        Many manual repetitive jobs
2.       Online store.
3.       Call center work.
4.       Designing and producing Cds/DVDs.

Areas of work where ICT has increased employment
·   Networks manager/administrator
·   Web site designers
·   Development staff

The Effect of microprocessor - controlled devices in the home
Computer systems contain one or  more microprocessor for the main  processing and this called the CPU.
 a. Washing machines
 b. Children's toys
 c. Heating systems
 d. Alarm systems
 e. Digital cameras
 f. Intelligent ovens and microwave
 g. Intelligent fridges

The Effect of microprocessor- controlled devices on leisure time
1. Mobile phone
2. Electrical appliances controlled
3. People can become lazy and rely on  machines.
4. Lack of fitness as people are not  spending time doing manual work
5. Can use the extra time saved go to  the gym or exercise more.
6. Many people spend their leisure time  playing games, surfing the net, downloading 
    and listening to music,  etc.
7. Watching program-mes on TV using  satellite or cable TV makes use of microprocessors.
8. You don't have to be in when is being  done so you spend time at work or 
    doing other things.

      The Effect of microprocessor- controlled devices on social interactions
1. Playing many computer games or  chatting to people on chat rooms may  be
    to the detriment of interacting with  real people.
2. Mobile phones.
3. It easy to make new friends in chat  rooms and using social networking  sites
4. If you have an unusual hobby or interest then it is much easier to find others with
    the same interests using the Internet.
5. Cheap Internet phone calls, made using a service called VoIP.
6. Disabled or elderly people who are confined to their home can make friends with others.
7. It is much easier to find out about social activities.
8. Time spent not having to do jobs manually enables the time to be used to do other things.

      Disadvantages the effect of microprocessor- controlled devices on social interactions
1. People rely on the Internet for  performing their daily tasks.
2. Playing computer games and can be  isolating.
3. People can lose some basic  housekeeping skills so when the  machine breaks down they 
    do not  know what to do.

The Effect of microprocessor - controlled devices reduces the need to leave the home
·         Online shopping.
·         Downloads.
·          Online banking .
·          Research .
·          Entertainment.
·          Working from home.
·          No need to be present to supervise  devices like ovens or washing  machines.
·          Can set TV recording or set ovens  from a remote place using embedded technology and
       mobile phones.

Capabilities and  limitations o ICT
* Speed.
* Accuracy.
* Processing power.
* Ability to the network computers.
* Huge amount of data storage.
* Ability to perform searches.

ICT systems do have a number of limitations
* Bandwidth
* Battery life
* Weight
* User interface